
Start xampp linux
Start xampp linux

Once again, there are much easier ways to do this. That should look like this: $ cd /opt/lampp $ sudo. The way ApacheFriends suggests you do it, though, is to hit the command-line and cd your way to the XAMPP install directory-then execute the manager. When it comes to this, again, you've got a few options. Sometimes it's handy to actually get the XAMPP manager up and running (the graphical interface for managing services). XAMPP Manager - The Easy Way The XAMPP Manager can be a useful tool for accessing error logs quickly this is particularly helpful if you find yourself mucking around with Apache, PHP or Database settings with any frequency. but, if you're constantly on the command-line, your carpal bones may thank you at the end of the day. With the aliases in your bash, you should now be able to start and stop XAMPP services with one word: Success! Is it a tremendous game-changer? Maybe not.

start xampp linux

ADD THE FOLLOWING LINES TO THE FILE alias letsgo='sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start'Īlias stopit='sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop' bashrc (again, a file you should find in your user directory-i.e., /home/username ): //CD W/O PATH TO GET TO YOUR USER DIRECTORY (IF NOT ALREADY THERE) $ cd //CREATE OR EDIT THE. If you don't have one, you can add one easily-the file name should already be referenced as an include in your. bashrc that would allow you to get up and running, or stop, with far fewer key strokes: i.e., ' letsgo' to start services, and ' stopit' to stop them. You could, of course, create aliases for both of these commands in your.

start xampp linux

This is fine and all, but it requires a little finger work. If all you need to do is get services (Apache, MySQL, ProFTPD) started or stopped, ApacheFriends suggests you use the following: $ sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start //OR, AS THE CASE MAY BE $ sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop You've installed XAMPP for Linux! Congratulations! Now that it's installed, how do you get it running? ApacheFriends has you covered for the basics, of course, but their methods make use of the command line, and aren't exactly efficient in terms of keystrokes.

Start xampp linux