
Vectric forum large bit speeds
Vectric forum large bit speeds

vectric forum large bit speeds

I have heard of some guys using coffee grinders to make regular sawdust/chips fine enough to mix in with glue. I keep little plastic containers by my machine, and after a finishing pass I knock off the wood dust onto a piece of paper and funnel it into the plastic containers. The one thing I might recommend is playing around with glue/sawdust mixtures to help fill in the gaps (broken off sections on both the male/female sections). I think that if you are going to do this type of work, you have to use the materials/tools that lend themselves to it, and not try to "make do" or mess around chasing settings etc that will never end up working. The woods you are using should lend themselves very well to this type of work (the grain contrast and strength of the grain), in my limited experience. Trying to get the 60degree bit to do what a 30 degree (or smaller) bit can do is just an exercise in frustration and wasted wood and time. The cost of those bits (buy a multi-pack to take advantage of the savings in shipping AND you will likely break a few in the learning process (I broke 3 in one day due to a faulty wire in my touch-off puck, so I use the paper/waxpaper method of zeroing Z height now for any bit that is small/fragile) is very low compared to other bits (I use Amana bits almost exclusively now, which average $50US per). I'm not saying you can't use a 60 degree bit to do what you want to do, but it seems unlikely.

Vectric forum large bit speeds